Good Citizens Dog Scheme 2023
Silver Award - March 23                                    Silver Award - April 24
silver_mar_23                            silver april 24
A big well done to Nicola and Izzy,                    Congrats to this motley crew !  from the left are
now they're going for gold!!!!                             Harry with Lenny, Ken with Coco and Colin with Nigel.

Puppy Foundation Assessment

Handlers and dogs need to achieve passes on all the required exercises before receiving their certificate and rosette.

Kai                            Aug-23  
                                                                                                        August 2023

Congrats to Steve and Kai who                            Here we have Chris with Rebel and Colin with Nigel
received their award in November 22              Well done to you both, ready to try the Bronze award ?

Bronze Award - October 2023

Well done to all the dogs and handlers who achieved the required standard to receive the Good Citizen Bronze Award.
From the left- Colin and Nigel, Jenny and Rebel, Birgit and Roxy,Josie and Loki, Tracy (examiner), Ken and Coco, Jason and Luna
and Lorraine and Lenny. Hope to see them back to do the silver!



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